9.00 | - | 10.00: | | Invited talk: Rob van Glabbeek |
| | | | Notes on the Expressiveness of Higher Dimensional Automata |
10.00 | - | 10.30: | | Flavio Corradini, Maria Rita Di Berardini, Walter Vogler |
| | | | Fairness of Components in System Computations |
11.00 | - | 11.30: | | Suzana Andova, Tim Willemse |
| | | | Equivalences for silent transitions in Probabilistic Systems |
11.30 | - | 12.00: | | Emmanuel Beffara, Francois Maurel |
| | | | Concurrent Nets: A Study of Prefixing in Process Calculi |
12.00 | - | 12.30: | | Alain Finkel, Gilles Geeraerts, Jean-François Raskin, Laurent Van Begin |
| | | | On the omega-language Expressive Power of Extended Petri Nets |
12.30 | - | 13.00: | | Harald Fecher, Martin Steffen |
| | | | Characteristic mu-Calculus Formula for an Underspecified Transition System |
14.30 | - | 15.30: | | Invited talk: Rocco De Nicola |
| | | | Rocco De Nicola, Daniele Gorla, Rosario Pugliese |
| | | | On the Expressive Power of KLAIM-Based Calculi |
15.30 | - | 16.00: | | Mikkel Bundgaard, Thomas Hildebrandt, Jens Chr. Godskesen |
| | | | A CPS Encoding of Name-Passing in Higher-order Mobile Embedded Resources |
16.30 | - | 17.00: | | Reynald Affeldt, Naoki Kobayashi |
| | | | Partial Order Reduction for Verification of Spatial Properties of Pi-Calculus Processes |
17.00 | - | 17.30: | | Xudong Guan |
| | | | Name-Passing In An Ambient-Like Calculus and Its Proof Using Spatial Logic |
17.30 | - | 18.00: | | Iain Phillips, Maria Grazia Vigliotti |
| | | | Leader Election in Rings of Ambient Processes |